

Competency is the combination of skills, knowledge, and the ability to complete a task. We think of it as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. Assessing the skills and competency of those undertaking tasks helps to determine if they are the right person to do the work and identify training needs.

Typically, skill checklists utilise a 1 – 5 ranking system where:

1 – Limited to no knowledge or skill requires 100% supervision.

2 – Some skill, can assist with task (80% supervision).

3 – Needs supervision 40-60% of time.

4 – Needs supervision 20-40% of time.

5 – Very competent, and can train others.


New management practices and implementation of mitigation strategies my need expert help. While you may have a high level of competency making farming practice decisions, it could be that some extra assistance would make your decisions result in even better outcomes.

Always check that the activity you want to undertake is permitted by your local authority.